Think you’re too busy with work to get out and explore this summer? Think again, truck drivers. That reasoning isn’t going to fly this summer. That’s because American Truck Business Services (ATBS) has released its Truck Driver’s Summer Recreation Guide, and it’s jam-packed with fun activities people with CDL driver jobs can enjoy while on the road. The best part? It’s available for download right now.

“This guide includes over 40 pages of restaurants, games, attractions and more that you can enjoy while on the road this summer,” writes ATBS.  “At ATBS, our goal is to be more than just a consulting, tax, and accounting company. Because we were founded by a trucking family, we understand what it means to live the life that you do.”

A Great Summer Guide for Those with CDL Driver Jobs

That’s right, ATBS was founded by those with a history of CDL trucking jobs. With the summer guide for people with CDL sriver jobs, the company strives to “deliver a richer life” to its clients.

The purpose of this book is to help bring balance and enjoyment into your life. We know that being a truck driver is hard. You drive for hours on end, and you may spend weeks away from home and your family. With this guide, we hope to spark some ideas for ways you can still enjoy the beautiful American summer.”

Click here to have the summer recreation guide emailed to you for free.

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How to Protect Yourself from the Sun Over the Road as a Truck Driver 

Download the complete guide for 5 easy tips for sun protection while on the road.

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